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In the spotlight – Jazz Alumni Dimitris Terpizis - Selected for Berklee with scholarship

11 juli 2024

Photo by Frank Hirschhausen 

In the spotlight – Jazz Alumni Dimitris Terpizis - Selected as one of 20 students worldwide for a scholarship at Berklee

Dimitris Terzipis, a talented drummer and composer from Cyprus, shares his journey and achievements since graduating from the Jazz Department of Conservatorium Maastricht. In this interview, he talks about his musical background, his projects over the past year and his acceptance as one of only 20 students worldwide for a scholarship at the prestigious Berklee Global Jazz Institute! 

Could you share a bit about your background in music and yourself? 
Also, since graduating last year, what projects or endeavours have you been involved in this year? My name is Dimitris, and I am a drummer and composer! I am an alumnus of the Conservatorium Maastricht and I come from Cyprus. I have always been exposed to music, music lessons, attended the music high school of my town and as many experiences, activities and classes as I could in general! Upon coming to Maastricht I knew I wanted to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible. During my stay in the Netherlands I was recording, performing and teaching the drums and with my graduation, I released my debut album and toured in the Netherlands, Germany and Luxembourg with my Quartet! Since graduating, I have been mainly focused on my preparations and auditions for the Berklee Global Jazz Institute and at the same time preparing my upcoming EP, which is being funded after winning the Hustinx Award and by the time this interview is out, it is already recorded! 

Why did you choose to study at Conservatorium Maastricht? 
Conservatorium Maastricht and its faculty opened their arms for me even though I did not have a strong jazz background, but I wanted to learn the tradition and eventually find and develop my own voice. The school has a more open approach to music than other Conservatories in the Netherlands, and that made me want to come and study here. The drum department was and continues to be fantastic! In terms of location, it is in the middle of Europe, borders with Germany and Belgium giving students great networking and playing opportunities in the area! 

What was your initial reaction upon learning of your acceptance to Berklee with a scholarship, and how does it feel to be among the 20 students chosen globally? 
I was extremely shocked and beyond excited to find out that I made it in the program! I really align with the mindset and the ideology of this Institute and being in this challenging environment inspires me to develop and create! I am really grateful for this opportunity! 

Why did you choose to apply to Berklee College of Music, and what do you expect to gain from this opportunity? 
The mission of the BGJI is to use music as a tool for the betterment of society, to create social impact with our music. I always wanted to create impactful sonic journeys and contribute to my societies, and this program does exactly that, while having a very intense curriculum and masters of jazz music as mentors. I expect to gain a lot of experience and explore my roots, break boundaries and use my cultural heritage in a contemporary framework to create new sounds, develop my drumming and learn as much as possible! 

Visual by Bart Rademakers

Could you describe your experience with the Berklee admission process, including any challenges faced and how you prepared for auditions and other application components? 
There is a rigorous application process with rounds of interviews, audition videos, thesis proposals and I did a lot of research on the program to really understand and prepare. Initially I had applied the year before, and on the 3rd and last interview I did not make it in the program. After consulting with the graduate department, I realized that my thesis proposals were not really aligned. After the rejection, I realized even more how much I actually wanted to be there, and I would start researching and preparing even more. I felt that the previous year I was definitely not as ready as this year, and I am really glad things turned out in this way. I am really looking forward to this dynamic year! 

What are your inspirations for the music you make? 
The world! I want to give my listeners an impactful sonic journey. When I make music I always have some concept, an idea or a statement that I want to pass through. I love just listening to the sound of life, birds, trees, doors opening - anything! I get inspired by what I hear and based on the feeling I get, usually I develop the musical idea into a bigger piece and then when the idea of the song becomes more solid, I develop it even more. My debut album is a journey through natural disasters, obstacles, leading to hope, consolation and suppression. My upcoming EP has more of a personal storyline but the goal is to always make my music accessible for everyone and relatable in everyone’s personal journey and life experience! 

How has Conservatorium Maastricht contributed to your career and preparation for Berklee? 
Conservatorium Maastricht and the drum department (since I studied drums as a major) believed in my drive and passion to learn and create even though I had a lot to cover and had to do things that other students already knew and had experience with. I tried to follow as many lessons as possible and push myself in this intense environment. The idea of music and curriculum of Conservatorium Maastricht was not restricted but many things would be tailored to our skill and musical identity. I am very grateful that all my teachers accepted and pushed me in such a way that I could keep on developing, shaping my identity as a musician and of course getting guidance on every section, from music business to working with booking agents, performing at festivals and constantly growing! Great Conservatory, very high level and of course, passion for making music! 

How do you envisage the future? 
I envision a future where I perform, teach and record music on a daily basis around the globe, with the mission to contribute to this world and try to make a positive impact in this place! I love making new music and performing it, I love being part of many projects and I definitely want to share my passion for music and drumming specifically. I do not know what and where exactly, but it is without a doubt an adventure, a long journey of learning and sharing. I want to fuse and combine music, break boundaries, underline the importance of cultural identity and make this world a better place in any way I can!

Dimitris Terzipis' journey from Conservatorium Maastricht to Berklee is an inspiring story of dedication and passion for music. With his upcoming EP and the unique opportunity at Berklee, Dimitris is looking forward to a promising future. We wish him every success in his further career and look forward to seeing (and hearing!) what the future holds for him!

Want to know or hear more from him? Then visit his website here.