Classical Department
Bram de Vree
Booking Agency Conservatorium Maastricht
The Conservatorium Maastricht Booking Agency kills several musical birds with one stone. On the one hand, businesses, theaters and private individuals can book musicians for performances at music festivals, concert venues, jazz bars, living room concerts or public recitals. On the other hand, it offers our Jazz and Classical Music students from over 42 countries the chance to perform more often, gain stage experience in various settings and showcase their broad repertoire. It also gives them the chance to make their first steps in the live scene and learn how to brand their art.
Put these talents in the spotlight
To book an act, please contact us preferably at least three weeks before the intended performance. We are happy to discuss any wishes with regard to the programme and instruments, or advise you on our soloists, duos, piano trios, string quartets, ensembles, combos, soloists, (big) bands and many more. We offer competitive rates, varying based on the amount musicians involved and any specific requests concerning repertoire or formation. Once our proposal has been accepted, further communication and payment will take place directly between you, the client, and the musician(s). When necessary (e.g. for reasons of translation) we can stay a part of the communication between student and client. Get in touch by sending an email to the Booking Agency stating your name, event and genre you would like to book. Specifics like date, location and available budget will speed things along. The mailbox is checked regularly, so we will contact you as soon as possible.
E-mail bookingagency.conservatorium@zuyd.nl or find the specific e-mail addresses for classical music and jazz bookings on the right side of this page.
We look forward to working with you!
Bram de Vree and Marc Puyol-Hennin (booking agents)
Classical Department
Bram de Vree
Jazz Department
Marc Puyol-Hennin