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Study trip to Leipzig by Junior Classical - 2024

26 February 2024

Concert trip to Leipzig (13-17 February 2024)

For the third time, Leipzig was the destination of an educational music trip for the young students of the Junior Conservatorium Maastricht. The aim of this trip was to further acquaint themselves with this unique music city, renowned as the home of countless maestros and music publishers from classical music history. Leipzig is also the city of the over 800-year-old Thomanerchor and the Gewandhaus Orchestra, serving as the stage for an impressive concert agenda and prestigious music festivals revolving around composers such as Bach and Mahler.

Thanks to the close connections of Toine Sporken (Sporken Leitmotiv) with the institutions and their managements in Leipzig, the young musicians were able to perform in the museums and residences of Schumann, Mendelssohn, and Bach. One of the students even had the honour of playing the organs of the Thomaskirche, paying tribute to Bach. Additionally, an excursion to the Blüthner piano factory was scheduled, followed by a visit to the music salon, where the group could indulge themselves on the grand pianos and upright pianos. The concert by the Gewandhaus Orchestra conducted by Andris Nelsons, featuring a complete Tchaikovsky programme including the 6th symphony 'Pathétique', was unquestionably a highlight.

Several parents, teachers, students, and music enthusiasts accompanied the group during all these musical moments, as well as during a dinner at a historic restaurant. The motto of the Gewandhaus Orchestra, 'Res severa verum gaudium' (true joy is a serious matter), proved once again to be applicable to this music trip. Tribute to all musicians and teachers Alejandro, Carmen, Rik, and Mette.

A film documenting this wonderful journey is currently in the making. To be continued! 

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